Approved Test Laboratory Program


The Broadband Forum Approved Test Laboratory (ATL) program has been established to benefit the industry by having independent, yet vetted, test laboratories, thus enabling vendors and operators to choose test labs with a heightened level of confidence that the labs have the right competence. These labs specialize in their given areas, are well versed in the Broadband Forum specifications and help drive the goals of BBF for broadband, ie multi-vendor interoperable technologies, testing agreed performance and functional measurements to help expedite superfast broadband network deployments. To become an Approved Test Laboratory the following requirements must be met:

  1. A BBF member in good standing
  2. Lab is open to testing other companies
  3. Lab is accredited or is “in process” with a nationally recognized regulatory body (adheres to ISO/IEC 17025 general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories)
  4. Lab is actively involved with the BBF (attends at least two meetings per year) and attends appropriate conference calls
  5. Lab has demonstrable knowledge of the technology under test
  6. Lab has demonstrable knowledge of the testing specification under consideration
  7. Lab agrees to independent review by the BBF
  8. Lab agrees to support and actively promote BBF testing programs
  9. Lab agrees to gain approval from the BBF for all public statement regarding BBF testing programs
  10. Lab will supply program rules document to all customers regarding the relationship with BBF programs

We are pleased to have approved three test laboratories that meet all these requirements:


Approved Laboratories


LaboratoryApproved for TestingContact
PONThierry Doligez
VDSL2 Vectoring
DSL, PON, TR-069, IPv6, GfastLincoln Lavoie

For questions or if you would like to become an official BBF ATL please contact us at: