Sticker Submission Form

Broadband Forum Laptop Sticker Contest

Submit a design that promotes YOUR Broadband Forum Work Area, Project, or Initiative!

Get your creative juices flowing – Contribute a design to be selected by the Marketing Staff for promotion of your Broadband Forum activities. Our goal is to bring visibility to Broadband Forum overall as well as your participation in our collaborative work!

Deadline: February 24

Winners will be announced at the Q1 Meeting in Budapest!

Format: We are open to your ideas whether penciled or polished. Virtually any file format can be submitted, and our professional team will work from your chosen ideas to create a print-ready decal.

Suggestion: Since the Broadband Forum logo has a highly recognizable arrow in it, we recommend that your ideas try to integrate the arrow in it in some fashion.

Please submit your entry with the form below. There are no limits to how many times you enter. We look forward to your suggestions!


